Inspection and Diagnosis Consultation


Paint discoloration which indicates a water leak has occurred and likely leading to Mould development.


Is your wet area not looking quite how it use to?


The damage caused by a potential waterproofing failure can be very toxic to your health.


Mould is prevalent in many family homes now and without an understanding of how to identify the cause, you may be living in a toxic environment. Even a minor wet area failure has the potential to bring on the onset of mould within 48 hours.


Many households are living with mould which forms very easily under carpets and the backside of plaster sheeting.


Some signs of underlying failure may be missing grout, white salt like staining on you tiles known as Effloresence, discolouration of bathroom and painted surfaces, timber architrave swelling and dis-figuration. An inspection can help you identify if you have an issue and give you a course of action to rectify the issue.

Speak with a waterproofing expert

Inspection and Leak Diagnosis Consultation

Process and System Review